Kartka prezent dla Babci i Dziadka – brelok prostokąt

Kartka prezent dla Babci i Dziadka – brelok prostokąt


Drewniana kartka z okazji Dnia Babci i Dziadka
Idealna pamiątka, aby móc składać życzenia prosto z serca. Możesz dodać swój tekst i podpis. Jeśli potrzebujesz 100% życzeń tylko dla Babci lub Dziadka, możesz określić, co ma być wygrawerowane na prezencie.

Karta wykonana jest z drewna i profesjonalnie grawerowana.
Rozmiar karty to 10 x 15 cm – brelok ma szerokość 4 cm.

eg. I would like a photo of children and a bird theme to be engraved
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Wooden card with a key ring for grandfather with your wish text and signature.

The card is made of wood and contains a rectangular key ring with a heart cut out. The size of the card is 10 x 15 cm, so you can easily give it in person or send it by post.

Each element of the card can be customized especially for you. The text of the wishes and the caption are for your editing. We can also make a different shape of the keychain. There is a small heart cut out in the keyring and the whole keyring is light and durable.

A gift for Grandpa on the occasion of Grandpa’s Day and it is unique because it was created especially for him. Wooden gifts are unique because they differ in texture. Thanks to the highest quality engraving, they do not fade with time and will be a memento for many years.

We design each of our products from scratch, so if you want to modify something or have your own idea for a gift, contact us and we will make it for you.

Our products are always shipped 1st class, secured against damage. If you want to complete your order quickly, send us a message and we will inform you about the date of completion. Orders are usually shipped within 5 working days from the approval of the project.

Dimensions 10 × 15 × 0.3 cm

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